Donations to Surveillance and Harassment Survivors Alliance are tax deductible.
What does SHSA do with the donations it receives?
-afford our monthly and annual expenses, such as website, bank account, photo/ video editing software, office supplies.
-assist survivors in financial crisis.
-host community events, afford permitting, and other associated fees for those events.
-print flyers and other correspondence for our community to raise awareness and purchase online advertising.
It is important that the public knows the Board of Directors receives no salary and our nonprofit does not have an Executive Director with a salary.
-afford our monthly and annual expenses, such as website, bank account, photo/ video editing software, office supplies.
-assist survivors in financial crisis.
-host community events, afford permitting, and other associated fees for those events.
-print flyers and other correspondence for our community to raise awareness and purchase online advertising.
It is important that the public knows the Board of Directors receives no salary and our nonprofit does not have an Executive Director with a salary.
Make a one-time donation easily using Guidestar
Donate once or sign up for recurring donations easily using Network for Good
Donate once or sign up for recurring donations through PayPal by clicking the DONATE button below.
(PayPal account NOT required)
(PayPal account NOT required)